Monday, August 10, 2015

Answers to the above questions

  • How do I create a realistic diet plan?
  • How do I create a realistic exercise plan?
  • Where do I begin?

It starts with keeping it simple.  Sadly, keeping things simple don't come easily for me.  I tend to write down a plan and just memorize it.  I didn't follow the plan at hand per day of the week.  I admit that needs to change.  I have to be specific with both my diet and exercise plan.  Following the guidelines is what will be helpful.  I realize that what happens on the day of the week matter because my schedule matters.  The calories that I will supposed to eat per day depends on one factor at least: how many I can consume.  So far, I have lived a sedentary lifestyle and I cannot afford to consume 3000 calories worth of food if I wish to lose weight.  I don't wish to lose weight, my goal is to lose weight and to keep it off.  Like  happiness, losing weight is what a person makes of it.  However true or false that is, losing weight has been hard and while I like that the world values hard work, I don't do that and that will be to my own peril and to my own regret. That is what I need to do.

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