Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to Make a Workout Plan

How to Make a Workout Plan

It's very easy to start working out, but to achieve your desired goals, a blueprint for success must be forged. Read sources & citations if you don't have the time, we have included a workout plan builder app for you to use. For now, prepare to make a plan like the legends in Bodybuilding.

In this article, we will show you how to write a complete workout, nutrition and even supplement plan for ongoing gym success. First up, we're going to explain the main ways of organizing your routine. For example, you can do the 2 body part a day routine, split workout plan (workout every 2 days), or exhaust every body part daily like a chain smoker attempting a one off cross country track.

Honestly don't try that last option. There are a lot of beginners who try this and end up fatigued, injured or both the following week. Either way there's hardly any gains in this.

1. Research & decide your routine type and exercises. Once you've figured out the appropriate routine type, research and choose the body parts for your chosen days. For example, on day 1 (Monday) you do a 2 muscle a day routine consisting of chest & triceps exercises.

2. Write out each exercise's specific sets, repetitions (reps) and if you're advanced, time delay. Note every increase and failures in the plan and work on improving your weaknesses.

3. To progress in weight with most exercises, start out on 3x12 reps the first week, increase to 3x13 week 2, 3x14 week 3 and 3x15 week 4.

4. Increase the weight on week 5 and drop the reps back down to 12. For body weight exercises such as pushups and dips, wear a weight vest/belt and add weight.

5. Continue this pattern for 8-12 weeks in your workout plan and you should see some considerable gains. The longer you keep this up, the bigger you will be.

6. If you want to build as much strength and tone as possible, however, you should focus on the lower rep range, as this is what will allow you to lift the heaviest amount of weights, and thus see the greatest gains in strength as well as cutting body fat fastest.

Read full article here.

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