Saturday, July 9, 2016

Diet and exercise plan for 7/10/16

Maybe I should do a meal prep instead of just a meal plan.

Maybe, but here is my diet plan for 7/10/16

- 3 fruits
- 1 dairy
- 1 grain

Snack 1
-2 fruits

Snack 2
- 1 fruit

- 1 meat
- 2 vegetable
- 2 starch

Snack 3
- 1 vegetable
- 2 fruit
- 1 meat or nuts

- 2 starch
-1 vegetable

I plan to use dumbbells and concentrate on my physical health as well.  My goal is to also walk one day for at least 10 minutes a day.  However, my goal is to do some strength training.

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