A Prayer to Lose Weight
Guide me lord, as I strive to lose weight You are my light and my anchor, and with you I know all things are possible.
Help me this day to make healthy choices and give me the strength to fight against destructive cravings that negatively effect my health.
You said, “The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. As I bow before you today, raise me up help me towards my goals.
I have been taught that anything that replaces God is an idol. Help me to reject any unhealthy habit in which I seek false comfort. For you are my one true comfort and salvation.
In your name I pray, Amen.
A Prayer to Resist the Cravings
Today I pray to You to grant me the strength to stay away from anything that is unhealthy - alcohol, junk food, carbohydrates and mycotoxins.
I pray that this will help me lose the weight I have gained. Help me stay focused on being healthy and fit, dear God. I believe that I can do all things through Christ, your Son, who truly strengthens me.
May this enable me to steer away from all the unhealthy choices that I face each day. I pray that this strength will keep me focused on disciplining my body and do my workouts religiously. I pray that anything I do, eat or drink only be for Your greater glory.
I pray for a support group to push me towards the finish line. I ask for all these in this prayer, O Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for weight loss
Only you have journeyed closely besides me though my life,
Seeing the heartache I have felt as I have battled daily with my weight.
As I come before you now, please touch my body and correct the metabolism rate.
Bring restoration to my whole being, bringing new balance and wellbeing.
Cover me with love as I seek to cope with a poor self image. Help me to love myself.
Bring wisdom and truth to my mind, and help me to plan my daily food and to enjoy it.
Give me energy as I exercise more and become more fit,
And bless my efforts with sustainable weight loss.
Father, I long to be free of this difficulty in my life,
I look to you, you are my supporter, my comforter and my helper.
Thank you for your constant love.
Daily diet prayer
Lord, please bless my efforts to lose weight today.
Help me to keep the vision of being light and fitter.
Watch over me as I seek to monitor all I eat.
Help me to enjoy food and to love and care for myself as I diet.