Saturday, January 31, 2015

What should a Christian do in order to take action?

1. “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19).

Many of us struggle with fully and attentively listening to what other people are saying. We tend to brashly speak what we think  right before we’ve either heard a person out or listened to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. The discipline of listening can be misunderstood as passivity; however, those who’ve learned to take action with quietness have the greater advantage in wisdom and insight.

2. “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming” (1 Peter 1:13).

It takes action to have a sober mind. A soberly minded believer takes the necessary action of protecting their mind and hearts from the influences of the world. They aren’t passive about what they allow to infiltrate their minds through mediums of social media, TV, or movies. Being sober is setting a high standard of morality and integrity in the spirit, mind, and body.

3. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

A passive attitude about the devil will always lead to his entrapments; however, being overly attentive to him can cause a believer to shift their focus off of God’s power. The action needed for the Christian is to never let their guard down when it comes to Satan. We are aware of the tactics and temptations he has used on us in the past—so we stand at alert as good soldiers of Christ.

4.  “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12).

We take action not only against Satan, but our own desires of the flesh that long to be fulfilled. As followers of Christ, we must be vigilant about our sanctification—that is, being set apart for God’s purposes rather than following the dictates of our own will and passions. Fighting the good fight of faith can’t be avoided when we desire to grow up spiritually and know Christ more intimately. There’s great joy in living a life filled with God’s purposes and direction as we take action in steps of faith.

5. “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2).

While many people may believe that prayer is passive—it’s one of the greatest actions a believer can incorporate into their daily life. Prayer is our participation in breaking down the spiritual barriers built up by Satan to kill, steal, and destroy other people. When we actively and regularly engage in prayer, our faith is broadened, tested, and stretched to ask for the greater blessings of God on our lives and for those we intercede for.

6. “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown” (Revelation 2:10).

Believers who take action for the body of Christ are typically faithful to God’s calling on their lives. The faithful keep doing the will of God even when it gets tiring, overwhelming, and frustrating. Christians who keep showing up and working everything as to the Lord will experience His peace and presence in greater measures.

7. “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good” (Titus 3:1).

Believers must take action in being ready for every good work the Lord lays before them. A readiness of spirit and mind is most evident in those who’ve immersed themselves into the word of God. They are ready because they know the promises of God and step out in faith based on their belief in Him. No one can really be ready at the last minute. We must prepare our minds before the intense spiritual battles that lay ahead with the knowledge and application of God’s word.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Twenty questions about exercise that need to be answered

1. How do I be specific with the exercise(s) that I wish to do?

2.  Is the exercise realistic?

3.  Will it fit into my weight loss goals?

4.  What are my weight loss goals?

5.  What are the benefits of weight loss?

6.  How do I set my goals and accomplish those goals?

7.  How do I mesh those goals to lose weight by both diet and exercise?

8.  I wish to exercise but is my heart into it?

9.  What can get me started; how can my heart get into it?

10, What are my motivations as well as benefits to exercise?

11. How much exercise do I need through the day?

12.  What are the benefits of exercise and how will those benefit me?

13. Why should I exercise?

14.  Is it really overwhelming me to diet and exercise?

15. Why is my heart not into it and what is causing me to be overwhelmed?

16. Should I focus on just one or two parts of the body or should I focus on the whole body?

17. How should I prepare myself for exercise?

18. How do I get back on track?

19. How do I overcome any fears and anxieties I may have?

20. What is the most comfortable place to exercise?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What I would like to do to lose weight so that I can be fit.

I realize that doing the hard stuff is a great motivator.  What I am saying is with the hard stuff at least that it is something to move forward to.  Sadly as a beginner my body is barely accustomed to the easy stuff much less something like T25 or P90x.  I would love to see results after 90 days and improve my physique.  Right now, ironically, that is not my goal.  I am not looking for an "easy A" but I would like to formulate an exercise program that requires an exercise or two that I can actually follow.  I would like to also follow a plan that would not overwhelm me.  I don't wish to stay a beginner forever.  I would like to move on to the more difficult exercises, but losing weight should not be about being overwhelmed and letting it overwhelm me.  It isn't about exercise being too much of a chore or being something that I can take for granted.  It is about doing what I love while at the same time do something that is beneficial for my health and overall well-being.  That is what I would like to strive for.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Specified exercises for the week

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015
Focus T25 for 30 minutes
They have a modified version of the exercise

Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Specific stretching exercises for at least 15-20 minutes that will strengthen my core

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
15 minute brisk walk followed by a modified P90X 15 program

Thursday, January 29, 2015
20 minute brisk walk with pedometer

Friday, January 30, 2015
Though it will not burn calories, I will perform exercises to strengthen out my neck, shoulders and back. A 30 minute walk will indeed burn calories.

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Hip Hop Abs for 30 minutes

Sunday February 1, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sample Weekly exercise plan to formulate 1/25/15-1/31/15

I have trouble following plans, period.  Making an exercise plan has been hard to formulate for that reason.  I would like to say that as a beginner, I wouldn't stay a beginner.  Once a beginner with a certain mindset, always a beginner with an unchanged mindset.  That is not what I want it to be all of my life.  I plan to create or rather formulate a plan per week.  I could use some help in that area. Here is a sample specific weekly plan for me to make.

Sunday, January 25, 2015
T25 for 15 minutes
They have a modified version of the exercise.

Monday, January 26, 2015
T25 for 15 minutes
They have a modified version of the exercise

Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Specific stretching exercises for at least 15-20 minutes that will strengthen my core

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Specific core exercises for 15 minutes including a 15 minute brisk walk

Thursday, January 29, 2015
30 minute brisk walk with pedometer

Friday, January 30, 2015
Though it will not burn calories, I will perform exercises to strengthen out my neck, shoulders and back.

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Hip Hop Abs for 30 minutes

Friday, January 23, 2015

Five Things to do for 1/24/15

1. Exercise
   Here are five things to do tomorrow.  I wish to formulate a plan, but I need help.  I am in need of this plan.  I am an overweight diabetic with back and neck issues.  The truth is, I don't want to stay an overweight diabetic who has back and neck issues.  I go to doctor and specialists and counselors within a course of a month.  I wonder if I can be healed of diabetes instead of just having it reversed. It sounds great but healing is forever.  I tire of being reminded of the blood sugars and the glucose and the weight gain.  I don't wish to take things for granted but I would like to make a change, which I know would require hard work.  On the other hand, I decide to take action, so that whenever I look in the mirror, I don't see a young woman with thin legs and a big belly.  I want to see myself as a person who God wants me to be and what He wants me to see.

2.  Diet

3. Detox

4. Read
   Revelation 1-3

5. Pray for
    * family
    * spiritual and health issues
    * country and leaders

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Exercise and food journal schedule (40 daily points and 33 weekly points ) for 1/23/15 plus tips to be grateful

6 AM -9 AM    8  points

11 AM- 12:30 PM  16 points

4 PM- 7 PM   10 points

9:30 AM- 10:15 AM   4
2:00 PM- 2:30 PM   5
8:00 PM-10:30 PM 7
Total number of WW points: 16

Maximum total number of points to use: 10
Sample foods:
1: (1/2)-(3/4) cup ice cream
2: 5 ounces -6 ounces yogurt
3: 2 carrots or 2-3 cut up celery sticks with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter or salad dressing
4: 1 small apple
5: 3/4 cup - 1 cup cold cereal with 3/8 cup - 1/2 cup skim or reduced-fat milk

Lose up to 5% - 10 % by diet, exercise, meditation, relaxation and music
Exercise at least 15 minutes walking for 7 days per week
       Use a pedometer while walking
       It helps to listen to music while exercising

Tips to being Grateful:
* Notice your day-to-day world from a point of gratitude and be amazed at all the goodness we take for granted.

* Keep a gratitude journal. All it requires is noting one or more things you are grateful for on a daily basis. 

* If you identify something or someone with a negative trait (the cold conference room), switch it in your mind to a positive trait (the conference room with 
a great view).

*  Gratitude requires humility, which the dictionary defines as "modest and respectful." Explore where it fits in your life. 

* Give at least one compliment daily. It can 
be to a person or it can 
be asking someone to share your appreciation 
of something else ("I love how quiet it is in the morning, don’t you?").

*  When you find yourself 
in a bad situation ask: 
What can I learn? When 
I look back on this, without emotion, what will I be grateful for?

*  Vow to not complain, criticize, or gossip for 10 days. If you slip, rally your willpower and keep going. Notice the amount of energy you were spending on negative thoughts and actions.

*  Sound genuinely happy 
to hear from the people who call you on the phone. Whether the caller responds with surprise or delight, he’ll know you value speaking with him

*  Become involved in a cause that is important 
to you. Donate money or time or talent. By joining in, you’ll gain greater appreciation for the organization, and it will appreciate you more, too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Exercise and food journal schedule (40 daily points and 48 weekly points and 1 activity point) for 1/21/15 plus tips to deal with procrastination

6 AM -9 AM    11  points

11 AM- 12:30 PM  13 points

4 PM- 7 PM   9 points

9:30 AM- 10:15 AM
2:00 PM- 2:30 PM
8:00 PM-10:30 PM
Total number of WW points: 7

Maximum total number of points to use: 8
Sample foods:
1: (1/2)-(3/4) cup ice cream
2: 5 ounces -6 ounces yogurt
3: 2 carrots or 2-3 cut up celery sticks with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter or salad dressing
4: 1 small apple
5: 3/4 cup - 1 cup cold cereal with 3/8 cup - 1/2 cup skim or reduced-fat milk

Lose up to 5% - 10 % by diet, exercise, meditation, relaxation and music
Exercise at least 15 minutes walking for 7 days per week
       Use a pedometer while walking
       It helps to listen to music while exercising

Tips to Deal with Procrastination

1   Stop thinking. Start doing.
     “To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”
Eva Young

2   Don’t blow a task out of proportion.
     “If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.”
Olin Miller
       ”Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.”
George Claude Lorimer

3   Just take the first step.
     “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

4    Start with the hardest task of your day.
      “Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.”
Dale Carnegie

5    Just make a decision. Any decision.
     “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

6     Face your fear.
       “Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “someday I’ll” philosophy.”
Denis Waitley

7     Finish it.
       “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task”
William James
       “Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they started.”
David Allen

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Exercise and food journal schedule (40 daily points and 48 weekly points and 1 activity point) for 1/21/15

6 AM -9 AM    11  points

11 AM- 12:30 PM  13 points

4 PM- 7 PM   9 points

9:30 AM- 10:15 AM
2:00 PM- 2:30 PM
8:00 PM-10:30 PM
Total number of WW points: 7

Maximum total number of points to use: 8
Sample foods:
1: (1/2)-(3/4) cup ice cream
2: 5 ounces -6 ounces yogurt
3: 2 carrots or 2-3 cut up celery sticks with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter or salad dressing
4: 1 small apple
5: 3/4 cup - 1 cup cold cereal with 3/8 cup - 1/2 cup skim or reduced-fat milk

Lose up to 5% - 10 % by diet, exercise, meditation, relaxation and music
Exercise at least 15 minutes walking for 7 days per week
       Use a pedometer while walking
       It helps to listen to music while exercising

Monday, January 19, 2015

Exercises to do

My walking has been too slow today.  I have spent much of the day tired.  I think it may have been due to the depression.  I didn't unfortunately take the time to exercise like I should have.  In short, my walking has been way too slow.  I would like to walk faster than I have been.  Maybe I should just take a brisk walk and do some stretches to straighten and strengthen my back and neck.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The kind of plans I should make

Should I work on a daily exercise plan or a weekly exercise plan?  I just realize that that is what I need to do.  I have lately been thrown off.  Maybe a daily plan would work considering I have actually done some exercise.  Should I also list on the benefits of any exercise I have done?  I didn't exercise today and now I have felt the effects of the lack of exercise like depression and tiredness. Exercise and diet matter and now I know that hindsight is 20/20.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Working on my core and stretching

While the walking has been slow, the amount of time I have spent on it wasn't so bad.  I did get to use the pedometer which earned me an extra weight watchers points.  However, I have yet to exercise and work on my core and do some stretching my neck and my back.  I plan to stretch for 15 minutes and perform core exercises for another 15 minutes.  My core is something that needs strengthen since I often make comments about being an overweight diabetic.  With even the most minor exercise, that can change.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's musing about the exercise results

Today I have even realized that even the smallest amount of exercise and the slowest walk has its benefits.  I used a pedometer today and while the results read 3000 steps at 3.0 miles per hour, I exercised.  It reminded me of when I wasn't thrown off course from exercise before.  I even know that due to the slow walk, I find it realistic for now.  I would like to change my diet and exercise goals.  It has earned me 3 Weight Watchers activity points.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weight Watchers menu and plan for 1/14/15

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Total 12
Total 16
Total 7
Total 6
Total points overall 41
Extra Points 9

Extra points 49
Extra points used 14
Extra points leftover 35

Today I have spent some time exercising yet I have realize that even 10 minutes of exercise can produce positive results.  The exercise is about strengthening my neck.  Losing weight is hard but exercise can make it easier even if I think sometimes that it is a chore.  That is because of the daily planning, the soreness, and the mindset of making it a chore.  That thought and mindset has got to go and I realize that overtime that mindset will change and the journey I am in will produce not just the wanted results.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Low and slow is the way to go

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Daily Plan for 1/13/15
WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Total 6
Total 18
Total 9
Total 8
Total points overall 41
Extra Points 8

Extra points 49
Extra points used 9
Extra points leftover 40
Total Activity Points 11
Total Activity Points Used 11
Total Activity Point Left 0

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Morning break from exercise

Neck strengthening exercises
Duration time 12 minutes
Impact: Low
Activity Points 1

Ab Exercises
Duration time 18 minutes
Impact : Low
Activity points 2

Total time of duration 30 minutes
Total activity points overall  3

It is best to always plan ahead the day, night, or week before.  Even planning meals for exercise overwhelm me.  I know this is about a change in mindset so that I won't be overwhelmed.  But I will remember that low and slow is the way to go.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Budget for 1/13/15

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Daily Plan for 1/8/15
WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Total 6
Total 14
Total 13
Total 8
Extra Points 7
Total points overall 41

Extra points 49
Extra points used 9
Extra points leftover 40
Total Activity Points 11
Total Activity Points Used 11
Total Activity Point Left 0

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Morning break from exercise

Neck strengthening exercises
Duration time 12 minutes
Impact: Low
Activity Points 1

Ab Exercises
Duration time 18 minutes
Impact : Low
Activity points 2

Total time of duration 30 minutes
Total activity points overall  3

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Pinterest pins

Yesterday I added pins from this blog on pinterest.  It is about the best advice and the lessons learned. I have learned a lot from these lessons and what I have have been of great help.  I will follow and will continue to follow this advice.  The best advice I received is low and slow is the way to go.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

I did not plan today for tomorrow...I am taking a break

I am taking a break from proposing a menu for tomorrow.  For the past few days I have been having a hard time preparing meals in advance.  I haven't been doing well following the plan and I would like to do something different.  I would like to actually like to not only follow the advanced plan but to also maybe prepare some of the food in that menu beforehand.  Life is too short to be unhealthy, which I am.  The way to deal with frustration is to make small changes.  I was spending much of the week overwhelmed due to frustration, failure to "hit the mark" due to overeating, and anxiety.  Today I did not overeat, nor was I tempted to overeat.  I know that I have been doing well but one day I would like to actually know how to formulate a plan so that I can lose the weight and keep it off.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weight Watchers Food Menu Plan for 1/10/15

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Boost Nutritional Shake 6
Total 6

Green Beans 0
Eggplant Pasta 12
Total 12

Green Beans 0
Eggplant Pasta 12
Total 12

Apple (1 small) 0
Yoplait 100 Calorie Greek Yogurt (Strawberry and Banana) 2
Orange 0
2 Kiwis 0
Turkey Eggplant Casserole 5
Total 7

Total points overall 37
Extra points 49
Extra points used -61
Extra points leftover 0
Total Activity Points 0
Total Activity Points Used 0
Total Activity Point Left 0

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weight Watchers Menu Plan for 1/9/15

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Boost Nutritional Shake 6
Total 6

Sour cream ( 2 tbsp.) 1
Salsa 0
Black Beans (1/2 cup) 2
Yellow Rice (1/2 cup) 4
Old El Paso Taco Dinner with Cheese Sauce 8
Total 15

Sour cream ( 2 tbsp.) 1
Salsa 0
Black Beans (1/2 cup) 2
Yellow Rice (1/2 cup) 4
Old El Paso Taco Dinner with Cheese Sauce 8
Total 15

Apple (1 small) 0
Yoplait 100 Calorie Greek Yogurt (Pineapple) 2
Total 2

Total points overall 38
Extra points 49
Extra points used 44
Extra points leftover 5
Total Activity Points 11
Total Activity Points Used 11
Total Activity Point Left 0

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Slow walk
Duration time 10
Activity Points 1

Slow walk
Duration time 20 minutes
Activity Points 2

Slow walk
Duration time 30 minutes
Activity points 3

Total time of duration 60 minutes
Total activity points overall  6

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 2
Fruits and vegetables 3
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Daily Plan for 1/8/15

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Hard boiled eggs (2)  4
Smoked sausage (1 oz) 5
Wheat toast (2 slices) 4
Sliced cheese 2
Total 15

Turkey Eggplant Casserole 5
Sour cream ( 2 tbsp.) 1
Salsa 0
Lettuce 0
Tomato 0
Total 6

Turkey Eggplant Casserole 5
Tossed salad 0
Ranch dressing (2 tbsp.) 4
Total 9

Apple (1 small) 0
Raisins (1/2 cup) 6
Fiber One Brownie 2
Yoplait 100 Calorie Greek Yogurt (Blueberry or Lime) 2
Total 10

Total points overall 40
Extra points 49
Extra points used 26
Extra points leftover 24
Total Activity Points 11
Total Activity Points Used 11
Total Activity Point Left 0

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Slow walk
Duration time 10
Activity Points 1

Slow walk
Duration time 20 minutes
Activity Points 2

Slow walk
Duration time 30 minutes
Activity points 3

Total time of duration 60 minutes
Total activity points overall  6

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 3
Fruits and vegetables 3
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Plan for 1/7/15

Sample Weight Watchers food plan and exercise plan
WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Fiber One Brownie 2
Medium kiwi (2) 0
Banana (1 large) 0
Total 2

Black bean beef wrap (2 large wraps) 15
Apple Kool-Aid (12 oz.) 3
Wheat thins (25 crackers) 6
Sour cream ( 1/2 tbsp.) 0
Salsa 0
Total 24

French fries (45)  10
Sweetened apple powdered drink
Total 12

Fresh strawberries (1 cup) 0
Orange (1 small) 0
Raisins (1/4 cup) 3
Dried cranberries (1/4 cup) 3
Fiber One Brownie 2
Yoplait 100 Calorie Greek Yogurt (Blueberry or Lime) 2
Total 10

Total points overall 46
Extra points 49
Extra points used 27
Extra points leftover 22
Total Activity Points 11
Total Activity Points Used 11
Total Activity Point Left 0

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Walking, stepping, and stretches
Duration time 45
Activity Points 6

Slow walk
Duration time 30 minutes
Activity Points 4

Exercise Stretching and ab workout
Time of duration 10 (low impact)
Activity points 1

Total time of duration 85 minutes
Total activity points overall  11

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 1
Fruits and vegetables 5
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Monday, January 5, 2015

Weight Watchers Diet and Exercise Plan for 1/6/15

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu

Banana 0
Thin wheat bagel 4
Neufchatel Cheese 2
Total 6

Black bean beef wrap (2 large wraps) 15
Tossed salad with mushrooms 0
Sour cream (2 tbsp.) 1
Ranch dressing (1 tbsp.) 4
Salsa 0
Total 20

Black bean beef wrap 7
Wheat thins (25 thins) 6
Total 13

Yoplait 100 calorie Key Lime Yogurt 2
Dried cranberries (1/4 cup) 3
Ice Cream  (1 1/2 cup) 11
Hazelnut spread (1 tspb.)  3
Fiber One Brownie 2
Total 21

Total points overall 60
Extra points 49
Extra points used 27
Extra points leftover 22

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan


Slow walk
Duration time 30 minutes
Activity Points 4

Exercise Stretching and ab workout
Time of duration 10 (low impact)
Activity points 1

Total time of duration 40 minutes
Total activity points overall  5

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 3
Fruits and vegetables 6
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Sample Weight Watchers Plans, questions, advice, and music

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Cereal (1 cup) 3
Milk (1/2 cup) 2
Coffee 0
Total 5

Veggie burgers with cheese 7
Fast food French fries 10
Tossed salad with dressing 4
Pickles, mustard, and ketchup
Total 21

Guacamole dip (1/4 cup) 1
Black Bean wrap (1 wrap) 6
Sour cream (1 1/2 tbsp.) 1
Salsa (2 tsp) 0
Total 8

Ice Cream  (1 cup) 5
Fried plantains (1/2 cup) 3
Total 8

Total points overall 49
Extra points 49
Extra points used 42
Extra points leftover 47

Total Points 40
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan
Exercise  Slow walking (3<= x  < =5)
Time of duration 15
Activity Points 2

Housework, low effort
Time of duration  20
Activity Points 2

Aerobic steps
Time of duration 7 (low impact)
Activity points 2

Total time of duration 42 minutes
Total activity points overall  6

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 6
Fruits and vegetables 4
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Bible Reading, Prayer, Advice, and Music
Bible Reading
1. Genesis 1:25-27
2. Matthew 9:9-13
3. Ephesians 6:10-20

Prayer Plan
1. Pray before and after meals
2. Pray for protection
3. Pray for unsaved relatives

1. Relax
2. Read and apply affirmations
3. Plan meals in advance

Music to listen to
1. "Yilal Andebete" by Meseret Mebrate
2. "Take Me to The King" by Tamela Mann

3. "Havana (remix)" by Kenny G

Friday, January 2, 2015

Plans, questions, advice, and music

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu
Oatmeal 1 cup of oatmeal 4
Coffee 0
Honey 1 tbsp 2
Raisins 1/4 cup 3
Total 9

Veggie burgers with cheese 7
Sweet Potato fries 5 (16 fries)
Tossed salad with dressing 4
Total 16

Two slices wheat toast (2 slices) 4
Hazelnut Spread (2 tbsp) 5
Banana (large) 0
Total 9

Trail Mix (1 oz) 4
Plantains ( 1 cup) 5
Ice Cream  (3/4 cup) 6
Total 15

Total points overall 49
Extra points 49
Extra points used 6
Extra points leftover 43

Total Points 43
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan
Exercise  Slow walking (3<= x  < =5)
Time of duration 20
Activity Points 3

Exercise Back stretches and lower back extensions
Time of duration  15
Activity Points 1

Exercise Stretching and ab workout
Time of duration 10 (low impact)
Activity points 1

Total time of duration 45 minutes
Total activity points overall  5

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 2
Fruits and vegetables 4
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

Bible Reading, Prayer, Advice, and Music
Bible Reading
1. Nahum 1
2. Malachi 2:10-16
3. Revelation 21:1-8

Prayer Plan
1. Pray for the unsaved, including my relatives
2. Pray for the sick around the world
3. Prayer specifically for oneself

1. Affirm oneself
2. Reasons for commitment to losing weight
3. Questions for self-esteem self-worth issues

Music to listen to
1. Badinerie by Bach
2. Break Every Chain by Tasha Cobbs
3. The Best Instant Stress Relief Music - Alpha Isochronic tones w/ rain & music

Sample Weight Watchers food plan and exercise plan

WW (Weight Watchers) Food Plan Menu

Oatmeal 1 cup of oatmeal 4
Coffee 0
Honey 1 tbsp 2
Raisins 1/4 cup 3
Total 9

Veggie burgers with cheese 7
Sweet Potato fries 5 (16 fries)
Tossed salad with dressing 4
Total 16

Two slices wheat toast (2 slices) 4
Hazelnut Spread (2 tbsp) 5
Banana (large) 0
Total 9

Trail Mix (1 oz) 4
Plantains ( 1 cup) 5
Ice Cream  (3/4 cup) 6
Total 15

Total points overall 49
Extra points 49
Extra points used 6
Extra points leftover 43

Total Points 43
Extra Points 49

Weight Watchers Exercise Plan

Exercise  Slow walking (3<= x  < =5)
Time of duration 20
Activity Points 3

Exercise Back stretches and lower back extensions
Time of duration  15
Activity Points 1

Exercise Stretching and ab workout
Time of duration 10 (low impact)
Activity points 1

Total time of duration 45 minutes
Total activity points overall  5

Healthy Checks
Liquids 8
Milk and milk products 2
Fruits and vegetables 4
Multivitamin Yes
Healthy Oil  None
Activity Yes

What I will do

What I will do:

1. Question why I have difficulty with commitment.
2. Question my motives for weight loss.
3. Plan my exercise regimen in advance.
4. Plan my meals in advance.
5. Read and plan to read the Bible
6. Pray
7. Formulate a schedule which would include reading at least one chapter, exercise for at least 10
    minutes, and to plan meals in advance whereas I can consume 43 points per day and 49 extra
    points per week.
8. Question why I am nervous.
9. Continue to formulate plans on a daily basis
10. Grocery shop every week or every month.  Plan to actually consume the food brought from the
11. Relax
12. Be encouraged by small steps, whether in health and weight loss and reading.
13. Learn to love self
14. Learn to respect self
15. Write down at least one reason or motivation for weight loss.
16. Question why it is not beneficial to lack commitment.
17. Formulate an example plan for exercise, food, and reading
18. Learn to like self
19. Affirm self
20. No limiting oneself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Being committed to lose weight

Commitment involves sticking to something that ends up having the desire that one wishes.  In this case, that is my desire to lose weight.  Right now, I am committed to stay on Weight Watchers for a year.  My overall goal is to weigh 212 lbs.  Right now I weigh 298 lbs.  It isn't easy being 5'1" and having a BMI over 50.  I am also a diabetic who is committed to losing the weight and keeping it off. Weight loss is a journey and I find it overwhelming at times meaning it could be daunting.  Yesterday I did some lifting and some stretches and now my thighs are sore.  However, it is well worth it because I was committed to actually doing something about my back pain.  I do wonder if the back pain is more about weight loss and less (even a little bit) about aging.  I am not sure about my plans I have for exercise, but I realize that they should include stretching and other exercises such as walking.  My older plan was to exercise 5 days a week for at least 10-30 minutes per day.  So far, I can exercise for at least 30 minutes on a treadmill and at least 10-15 minutes on a stepper.  I usually take breaks on Sundays and Tuesdays, but now to think of it, that has something I realize has increased my lack of will to exercise.  Maybe all I need to do is to follow the Weight Watchers plan instead of just my own plan.  Just following instructions will make the weight loss journey that much easier.