Thursday, June 29, 2017

My weight loss journey

It has been quite difficult to write a specified plan since I am now on the Weight Watcher plan.  Right now, so far so good.  As of right now, I have lost a few pounds.  I am okay with that.  As a matter of fact, I have been okay with quite a few things.  So far, I have gotten closer to my current goal, which makes me smile.  However, I realize that I have miles ahead.  It will be a journey that is or would be well worth it.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

At the moment,

At the moment, I am taking a break.  I hope to make another entry tomorrow.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

I am struggling

Yesterday, I wasn't so busy.  I just didn't know what to write.  It is just one of those days I guess.  Today, I am just struggling to write a reflection about what to write down.  I struggle and have struggled to create a short grocery list.  Right now, it has been rough.  I am so tired of creating these long lists. What to do, what to do.  I need help.

Friday, June 23, 2017

That is what I have to do


What have I done to myself?  I ate two packages of cookies, several candy bars, crackers, four snack cakes, and three bottles of soda.  All of this has happened in a two day period.  I won't blame anything or anyone else.  I only have myself to blame. In other words, no matter what else is going on with me, I take full responsibility for my actions.  How could I eat all of that knowing I need to lose weight?  I am on Weight Watchers and I have just done the opposite.  What was I thinking?  I feel like I have gone back instead of moving forward.  I guess I have to start over again.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Being Honest


I have a good job of sabotaging myself.  I have a problem with overeating and failing to put all of the food that I have down.  I needed to learn my lesson today, but it seems that I have nothing to put down.  I was depressed last week and now I have come to realize that I am even more depressed. Changes have to be made if I wish to lose weight and spend whatever money I have in order to stay on the program.  As those who read this may know, I am on the Weight Watchers program.  I have every reason to change.  I have read about an actor and other who have died due to complications of diabetes.  As a diabetic, I have come to realize that I need to take this condition more seriously, or I will suffer from complications.  Diabetes can become progressively worse over time; I don't want that to happen to me.   Sadly, it took me just seconds to minutes ago about the seriousness of why I need to eat sensibly, moderately, and healthy. I need to lose weight.  The issue is why?  Why do I make it harder on myself?  I wish I knew the answer to that question.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Reflection about WW restults for 6/17/17

Soft wheat toast with chocolate-hazelnut spread
black coffee
Total points: 12

Extra Large Biscuits (3)
Sweet potato (1/2 cup)
Total points: 24

Extra Large Biscuits (2)
Total points:  17

1/3 cup raisins
canned pineapple
Total Points  8

Total points:  64

I only have 3 weekly points left.  I also have little patience for error.  I saw myself in the mirror and I have come to realize that I do complain.  I complain a lot.  I am a whiny person who has been considered annoying and that may be true.  I have gotten lazy over the years and I really need to lose weight.  I realize that those 3 points have become a wake up call.  I realize that the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are what is necessary to lose weight and keep it up.  Eating too many processed foods have done me no good.  I am now on Weight Watchers and it is time that I need to stop making promises I cannot keep.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Reflection on Weight Watchers

Lately, I have been on the Weight Watchers plan.  I now wonder how I can go about planning my meals.  All I know is to incorporate more fruits and vegetables, even two oranges and an apple if need be.  That would at least cut down on my binge eating.  I could also use healthy snacks and healthy canned fruits, which don't have many, or any points.  Lately, I have had issues with binge eating, which have depressed me.  Right now, I am not so depressed.  In fact, I feel more confident than ever.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Going towards my goals thus far

I am doing better today.  I am not on a break. As a matter of fact, I realize that I maybe should still create a plan even while I am on the Weight Watchers plan.  I started the plan this past Saturday. This is my fourth time on the program.  I have learned a lot from this program.  My goal for now is to lose a few ounces, then lose another ten pounds. It has been only a few days.  My weight can finally go down.  Despite the PCOS, the weight loss so far, has been good news.  What scares me isn't the weight loss and the plateaus, but the scary part is the maintaining of my lost weight, whatever it may be.  But for now, I am proud.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Until tomorrow

I would like to say that I am taking a break.  Well, that is what I am going to do.  I am taking a break.  Until tomorrow.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Prayer for Meal Planning

Dear God,

I am not good in the area of meal planning at all! I have tried and failed so many times.  With everything I seem to juggle, trying to plan a week of meals seems so challenging, but it is an area of my life I desire to improve.  As a wife I want to provide meals for my husband that will bless him and our family.  I desire to have the skills necessary to plan, shop, and execute dishes that taste good and satisfy.  I don’t want to rely on eating out, especially when some of the food is not that good for us and how much it costs.  Please give me the time to plan meals out and equip me to be creative and good at cooking.  I think improving in this area of marriage would truly bless my husband. 

Thank you for my husband in Jesus’ name AMEN!

* I can definitely relate to those who are in need.  I could definitely see myself confused at times.  Furthermore, I often find myself unplanned in prayer.  I could use some guidance now.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Knowing Me by Wayne Underwood

Knowing Me

Your reflection comes from my radiant light,
which shines upon your face so bright.
I am your Savior-God, your everything.
Your salvation is provided, by the one true King.

We are all transformed from the inside out,
for God's divine Power wipes away all doubt.

So relax and rejoice and wonder no more,
what awaits you when, you walk through my door.

With your intimate knowledge of me 
comes a place in my Kingdom, for eternity.
Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

From May 31, 2017

Fasting advice

Tomorrow, I plan to fast for the day or at least for a partial day.  I have no clue, to an extent, how to fast meals or for days.  What shall I do?  Where should I begin?  Lord, teach me and give me wisdom and direction when it comes to this issue.  I don't usually write out issues about religion, but I felt led to write about it.  How many meals should I fast?  How should I do so in a blog where I have created for the day?  Remember to Keep it Simple.