Friday, March 31, 2017

Reflection for 4/1/17

Diet Plan
I plan to eat healthy.  The sad truth is that I need to do so.  I have been struggling to eat healthy so that I could be healthy.  I need to lose weight.  In fact, I am clinically obese.  The trouble is, I need to go to the store, then it would be easier to meal prep and thus, create a daily plan.  Maybe it should be more of a weekly plan instead of a daily plan, then it will be easier to create a daily plan.

Exercise Plan
I love to walk.  My goal is to walk.  However, I realize that I need to take a longer time to exercise.  I also need to walk faster.  I have good enough results, but I am supposed to walk for a total of more than an average.  I am bearing my heart out because I need to know that I can do it.  I have lost a few pounds and for my health, I want to learn more.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Diet and exercise plans

Diet Plan
My plan is to eat healthier.  I need to lose weight.  I just have to do it.  I am an overweight diabetic. There are no ifs, ands, and buts.  There are no excuses.

Calories (max) to intake: 1800

Sadly, that is all that I know about what I can eat: fruits and vegetables, teas that are unsweetened, in other words, whole foods  I also need to limit peanut butter, and processed food in general.

Exercise Plan'
Exercise goals: So far, my goal is between 10-15 minutes per day and then work my way up to 16-20 minutes.  Exercise is very important to me.  My goal is to also exercise and eat a healthy diet, which has been difficult to do.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Until tomorrow.

I was and will be on a break until tomorrow.  I am okay and I will be back.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Reflection for 3/27/17

I have found myself making plans that I promise to keep.  I have kept those promises so far. Exercise is something to be inspired to do.  However, it is something that one should do.  My plan is to exercise from online videos.  There are plenty of good ones out there.

My plans for breakfast are to eat healthy.  That is all.  That is my plan.  As I am writing this, I am trying to figure out what exactly to cook.  Right now, I am thinking about making a turkey chili. I believe that ground turkey is much more healthy than most ground beef.  However, it needs to be doctored up, for ground turkey has a rather, bland taste as compared to ground beef, even at its leanest.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

It is the same reflection as yesterday

As far as exercise goes, I plan on either walking or at least do something else that is fun.  I have been inspired by Cize and Body Beast in the past.  I am tired of just being inspired.  I finally get to see myself in the mirror and I finally get to realize that not only do I need to lose weight and keep it off, but also to exercise to gain confidence.  I lack the consistency to exercise.  Now is the time to learn.

As for food goes, my plan is not just to lose weight, but to buy more food that isn't processed.  My diet I admit is not good.  I need to learn to say no.  I also need to learn to listen to my hunger cues. I have not been officially diagnosed as having binge eating disorder but I know that I have an issue not only with food but with consistency.

I have no idea what I need to plan for tomorrow, but I realize that consuming processed foods have been bad for me.  Of course, that is for everyone, but it is especially true for me.  I have a hormonal condition and I need to follow that particular diet if I need to lose weight and become fit.  I realize seriously that I do complain too much,

I am scared.  How do I overcome that fear of being fearful?  I guess the answer is to overcome anxiety.  I have made too many excuses and I finally see myself as someone who isn't just filled with flaws.  I am a living breathing human being that sees good days and bad days.  I also not only see flaws but I see an all-or-nothing thinking that I wish I could change overnight.  I believe in black-n-white morality where there is no shade of gray.  I also have translated it to how I live my day.  I would like to be able to change my way of thinking.

How I need to do that, I don't know.  Today is a gift since it is the present.  Tomorrow is another day. I can finally move forward.  Everyday is a step closer to reaching my goal, whatever that may be.  I do need support, but there are things that I can do myself.  I think it is time to be a grown up and do grown up things, for even tomorrow may be too late.

Friday, March 24, 2017

My weight loss goals in a reflection

As far as exercise goes, I plan on either walking or at least do something else that is fun.  I have been inspired by Cize and Body Beast in the past.  I am tired of just being inspired.  I finally get to see myself in the mirror and I finally get to realize that not only do I need to lose weight and keep it off, but also to exercise to gain confidence.  I lack the consistency to exercise.  Now is the time to learn.

As for food goes, my plan is not just to lose weight, but to buy more food that isn't processed.  My diet I admit is not good.  I need to learn to say no.  I also need to learn to listen to my hunger cues. I have not been officially diagnosed as having binge eating disorder but I know that I have an issue not only with food but with consistency.

I have no idea what I need to plan for tomorrow, but I realize that consuming processed foods have been bad for me.  Of course, that is for everyone, but it is especially true for me.  I have a hormonal condition and I need to follow that particular diet if I need to lose weight and become fit.  I realize seriously that I do complain too much,

I am scared.  How do I overcome that fear of being fearful?  I guess the answer is to overcome anxiety.  I have made too many excuses and I finally see myself as someone who isn't just filled with flaws.  I am a living breathing human being that sees good days and bad days.  I also not only see flaws but I see an all-or-nothing thinking that I wish I could change overnight.  I believe in black-n-white morality where there is no shade of gray.  I also have translated it to how I live my day.  I would like to be able to change my way of thinking.

How I need to do that, I don't know.  Today is a gift since it is the present.  Tomorrow is another day. I can finally move forward.  Everyday is a step closer to reaching my goal, whatever that may be.  I do need support, but there are things that I can do myself.  I think it is time to be a grown up and do grown up things, for even tomorrow may be too late.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Diet and exercise plans and reflection for 3/24/17

I have made plans last night concerning what I plan to eat for tomorrow.  I have to do a better job of taking into account my health issues.  I have enough health issues that are bothersome, but could get worse.  That is not what I want, and that is for things to get worse.  I realize that I have two feet as to walk and weights that I have.  I plan to use them or do other things tomorrow.

As for food, here is what I plan to eat for tomorrow:
Sausage (turkey)
Tater Tots

Kale salad with ranch dressing

1 cup soup
Kale salad with ranch dressing

Snack 1
1 cup soup

Snack 2
Peanut butter and apple

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

My confessions about weight...I plan to exercise tomorrow

What I am about to write is about my confession concerning losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  In order to see the future, I have to see what I did wrong.  I am 42 years old and one of the reasons that I had difficulty is because I focused on my age.  I wanted to look like I did when I was a teenager and remain that way.  I also wanted to lose all of the weight I gained before the last decade. I gained nearly 60 pounds in that year.

Over the years, I was diagnosed with having PCOS, which is really a hormonal condition that affects females, namely of child bearing years.  I wanted to lose weight before the age of 40 because I figure at a younger age, it will be easier.  I have been and remained anxious as a result of my weight gain.  I am confessing this because things have been a struggle for so long, that I need to get rid of the guilt.  I have decided that I have nothing to be guilty or confused about.  I need to lose weight and I want to lose weight.  I am not sure if I have made such a god or desire out of losing weight, but I feel like a failure.  I am not so sure if I can do it.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Reflection about making plans

It can be difficult to plan meals and plan exercise routines if one has a disorder.  Either it is too limiting or not limited enough.  I realize that it can even be difficult for me to plan meals for myself. I have written and made plans for a long time and admittedly, some of them are quite fattening.  My weight has climbed or fallen in large amounts of pounds.  I tend to have "good days" and "bad days". Maybe all of this strict, all-or-nothing thinking is what makes it worse. I also admit therefore to being too hard on myself.  On the other hand, I am also afraid not to be.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Things I have realized

I realize that I needed help a long time ago.  I have yet to be fully diagnosed by a physician.  For years, I felt powerless to do anything.  I don't want to feel that way anymore.  I don't crave healthy foods, and I have written and prayed a lot about losing weight.  I feel like over the years, I have all but dealt with guilt and giving up.  I admit to giving up on myself, which is something I didn't recall doing.  I don't want to be that way either.  I don't know where to begin, but I would like to overcome the guilt and the feeling of powerlessness or one day it will be closer to even worse health.  Time is just too short.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Binge Eating Disorder

What is binge eating disorder?
Binge eating disorder is a common eating disorder where you frequently eat large amounts of food while feeling powerless to stop and extremely distressed during or after eating. Binge eating disorder typically begins in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. During a binge, you may eat even when you’re not hungry and continue eating long after you’re full. You may also binge so fast you barely register what you’re eating or tasting. Unlike bulimia, however, there are no regular attempts to “make up” for the binges through vomiting, fasting, or over-exercising.

You may find that binge eating is comforting for a brief moment, helping to ease unpleasant emotions or feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety. But then reality sets back in and you’re flooded with feelings of regret and self-loathing. Binge eating often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only reinforces compulsive eating. The worse you feel about yourself and your appearance, the more you use food to cope. It becomes a vicious cycle: eating to feel better, feeling even worse, and then turning back to food for relief. As much as you may feel powerless to break this cycle, there are plenty of things you can do to better manage your emotions and regain control over your eating and your health.

Signs and symptoms
If you have binge eating disorder, you may feel embarrassed and ashamed about your eating habits, and try to hide your symptoms by eating in secret.

Behavioral symptoms of binge eating and compulsive overeating

Inability to stop eating or control what you’re eating
Rapidly eating large amounts of food
Eating even when you're full
Hiding or stockpiling food to eat later in secret
Eating normally around others, but gorging when you’re alone
Eating continuously throughout the day, with no planned mealtimes
Emotional symptoms

Feeling stress or tension that is only relieved by eating
Embarrassment over how much you’re eating
Feeling numb while bingeing—like you’re not really there or you’re on auto-pilot.
Never feeling satisfied, no matter how much you eat
Feeling guilty, disgusted, or depressed after overeating
Desperation to control weight and eating habits

Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Help for Compulsive Overeating

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reasonable Exercise Plans for Someone Recovering from Binge Eating Disorder

Reasonable Exercise Plans for Someone Recovering from Binge Eating Disorder
By Erin Risius, MA, LPC, Program Director at Green Mountain at Fox Run

For those struggling with binge eating disorder their exercise patterns tend to mirror their eating patterns – falling prey to an all-or-nothing tendency. With food, this involves a restriction/binge cycle and for exercise, this all-or-nothing tendency usually shows up as a cycle of no pain/no gain exercise and then being sedentary.

The no pain/no gain approach inevitably creates a psychological resistance to movement primarily due to the approach – not the lack of willpower on behalf of the person (think: New Year’s Resolutions).

Add to this, potential childhood scars around exercise (think: gym class) and/or orthopedic conditions and mobility challenges that make movement painful, and exercise can easily be seen as the “enemy” – something that must be endured and certainly not enjoyed.

Learning Not to Dread Exercise

Regardless of whether this view of exercise stems from early experiences, recent experiences or both, the result is that exercise is avoided – not embraced. However, in order to heal one’s relationship with the body – and in the end, with Self – finding a way to move healthfully in the body one has today will be important for the BED recovery process.

At Green Mountain, women come to us dreading the exercise part of our program, fearing it will be another boot camp; but instead they are met with an approach that makes them feel exercise is not only doable – but enjoyable.

This shift in perspective is what enables them to leave feeling empowered and encouraged to continue movement on their own. With that in mind, here are four key strategies that help those struggling with BED to climb out of the all-or- nothing pattern with exercise and into a consistent practice of healthy movement.

Woman – Center Thyself.

The practice of mindfulness forms the foundation of our approach to helping women reconnect their minds to their bodies. Those struggling with BED often feel cut off from their bodies and our goal is to help them to get off auto-pilot and begin to tune into their thoughts, emotions, and bodies.

This process requires the practice of centering – of taking a moment to connect to the here-and-now experience and to their physical core – before starting an exercise. This involves a conscious physical alignment of their spine so that whether a woman is walking, strength training, or stretching she starts by actively tuning IN to the body before movement.

Easy does it.

Since many women who come in to our program are used to the all-or-nothing approach our goal is to help them to experience ‘middle ground’ with movement around exercise intensity, frequency and duration. Therefore, we teach them how to use the Rating of Perceived Exertion scale (RPE) with cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training while aiming for moderate intensity with all exercises.

Working toward moderate intensity (5 – 7 on a scale of 1 – 10) creates the feeling that exercise is doable, which instills a sense of confidence to enhance the fitness level without gasping for air or pushing through the burn. This approach sets up a psychological reinforcement toward exercise adherence.

Modifying exercise for the body one has today.

All of our exercise classes have special modifications that take into account different intensity levels, orthopedic injuries/conditions and mobility levels. We adapt exercise to our participants’ bodies, not vice versa. For example, participants at Green Mountain learn how to honor their shoulder, knee, or low back conditions, and to work with not against their body’s capabilities.

Learning how to honor the body’s cues in the moment is crucial for cultivating body awareness, reducing discomfort and enhancing the enjoyment of movement, which has a positive impact on exercise consistency and duration.

Things to consider when it comes to forming an exercise plan when one has a binge eating problem

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Recovery Meal Plans

Recovery Meal Plans

An eating disorder recovery meal plan is essential in the beginning stages of your recovery. This food plan is essentially the foundation for your recovery; without it, we would not be able to do the deeper, emotional healing work that sustained recovery requires.
Following a meal plan is an important key in your eating disorder treatment plan so that we can lessen and ultimately abstain from all eating disorder behaviors- binging, purging, restricting, and compulsive overeating. Engaging in eating disorder behaviors is abusing our body by depriving it of healthy food and nutrients in healthy proportions and we have to train ourselves to learn how to eat ‘normally’ again. This is not bad, we developed the eating disorder as a way to cope, we must not blame, but need to take responsibility and understand that we can change for the better. Food and eating does not have to be scary or rule your life, even though when starting an eating disorder meal plan it can feel this way!

The most important thing to remember when establishing an eating disorder meal plan is that your body weight will stabilize to its set point over time! This was the number one thing that I had to remember in the beginning- TRUSTING that my weight would normalize if I followed my recovery food plan. I also threw out the scale and stopped weighing myself. Weight is just a number and doesn’t determine your self-worth!

The best way to develop an anorexic recovery meal plan, recovering bulimic meal plan, binge-eating recovery meal plan or any eating disorder meal plan is to develop a customized food plan with a Registered Dietician, one who preferably has experience working with people with eating disorders. Many health insurance plans include this service so check with your provider on finding a good dietician who can help you plan your meals and keep you accountable.
However, I understand that some people might not have access to a dietitian so here are some good guidelines to follow.

General guidelines to follow when creating a meal plan:

Have a balanced and nutritious meal plan.
Our body needs nutrients to fuel itself and be healthy. We must eat for health! Our bodies need food for energy in order to function properly and our brains require nutrients to think clearly. It is crucial to eat foods that are nourishing and healthy that our body wants.  It should contain lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, dairy (or alternatives), fats, and grains.  A list of each food group and serving sizes for your recovery meal plan exchanges are listed here.  Eating lots of whole, natural, raw and organic foods in your meal plan is ideal and can help enhance your mood.  It should also be high in fiber which is great for your digestive system.  There are different approaches to meal plans as to what ratio you should eat of each food and a dietician can help create an approach that is right for your body type and food preferences.  If you need help though, see our example meal plans for eating disorders here and click here to get help estimating portion sizes.

Rest of the blog entry here

Monday, March 13, 2017

Reflction about exercise

My plan for tomorrow will be based on exercise goals.  This past weekend, I did do some walking, which is of great benefit physically and mentally.  Exercise also has helped on a spiritual level.  I have come to realize that I have gotten lazy over the years and it has had an effect in all aspects including spiritually.  I firmly believe now that exercise isn't just about the physical aspect anymore.  My goal is to be diligent in all things, including the physical.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Meal and exercise plans 3/13/17

 I wish to exercise from the internet via YouTube.  I am not sure which exercise to do, however. I would rather walk since this is the exercise that I plan to do.

Meal Plan (3/13/17)

1 scrambled egg
1/2 link beef sausage
1 cup buttered grits
2 slices plain toast
3 slices bacon

Sloppy Joe
Tater tots (1.5 serving)

Sloppy Joe
Tossed green salad
1.5 oz. cheese
Crinkle fries (1.5 serving)

Snack 2
1/4 cup raisins

Snack 3
chocolate pudding cup

Saturday, March 11, 2017

15 Tips for Better Weekly Meal Planning

15 Tips for Meal Planning

    Getting Inspired
  1. Spend time each week looking for recipes.
    This may feel like an indulgence, but just let yourself do it. Browse blogs and websites for recipes that look delicious. Hang out on Tasteologie. Pile up some cookbooks and reach fo the sticky notes. Get inspired!
    In terms of figuring out what to make we have a list of meals that we love and are easy to cook hanging on our fridge. Those staples make it into the rotation frequently and then I go through my pinterest boards as well as cookbooks and magazines to find 1-2 new recipes to add into the rotation. Our staples list is getting longer and longer. - Shelf81
  2. Create a place to save recipes, and keep it SIMPLE.
    Do whatever works for you. Don't get caught up in a system, just use whatever works best and most easily. Personally, I like Pinterest because it's easy to visually browse what I've saved. (Watch for another post coming soon with a rundown of our readers' favorite places to save recipes.)
    I use Springpad (kind of like Evernote), to store my recipes. I add them to a Board view, so I can create a visual display of what I'm making when, and with the way they have recipes set up, you can easily add ingredients to a shopping list. - Riddles
  3. Ask your partner, family, and roommates what they like to eat.
    This might sound obvious, but it's easy to get caught up in our weeks and forget to ask our households what they would like to eat. I get extra inspired, too, when I feel like I'm cooking a meal as a gift — trying to please and delight the palate of someone I love.
    Meal planning can be daunting and to get my husband involved I had to take several steps back by asking simply what foods he liked. I wrote a post on the process. - KMarie
  4. Check the weather.
    Again, you may say, duh, but seriously. Right now, the weather is changeable in many parts of the country. Look at the weather forecast, and try to predict if you're going to be in the mood for soup (or grilled shrimp salad!) on Friday.
    Maybe this is weird but am i the only one who checks the weather forecast before i meal plan? - Adamwa
  5. Keep a meal journal.
    One of my best inspirations is my own record of things I've cooked in the past. Take a look at what you were cooking a year ago, two years ago. It's a good way to remember things you used to cook, and still love.
    I use a blank monthly calendar and plan the week's meals on the weekend, basing my grocery list on only those items. I now have a year and a half worth of meals to look back on - especially handy for ideas and to see what we were eating the same time a year ago. - JenniferJulia
  6. Getting Organized
  7. Start a calendar.
    Now that you're getting inspired in what to eat, start a calendar of what you'd like to cook over the next few days or few weeks. It can be as organized as a Google Calendar, with notes on each day for that day's menu. Or you can just jot notes to yourself in the corner of your laptop screen. The important thing is to write it down.
    We have a shared Google calendar and I've created a sub-calendar just for meal-planning. We'll take an evening (after dinner, so our cravings are lessened slightly) and dig through all of our cookbooks and printed recipes for what looks good, putting them on the calendar as we go. - Knitasha
  8. Go with theme nights (soup night, pasta night, beans). 
    Some readers found it really helpful to have a theme night each week. Monday is pasta, Tuesday is fish, Wednesday is tacos. This doesn't work for everyone, but it may be especially helpful for those with kids. See if they want to get involved with planning their favorite tacos one week, or suggesting soups for the next month. Keeping the focus narrow will help you and your household make quick recipe decisions.
    I use general guides like Soup Night, Pasta Night, Beans to make it easier. I use Fresh Direct, and you can store shopping lists in there. I can simply dump the Tomato Soup Week list into my cart and I'll get everything I need for a typical week. - CMCINNYC
  9. Choose a shopping day and make a shopping list.
    A lot of the readers who seemed to have success in meal planning shopped very purposefully. They looked at their recipes and made a shopping list. Some of the meal planning and recipe-saving services let you do this easily, extracting ingredients from the recipes you have saved.
    I start with a blank index card. I list at least 7 meals that I will be interested in cooking for the next week. Usually this includes a composed salad of some sort, a soup, something with beans, a fish dish, a pasta dish or two, and what we call a "thunder-bowl", which is usually whole grain+greens and veggies+eggs on top. Tonight it's bulger, kale and broccoli, eggs, and maybe a bit of chorizo. The shopping list goes on the reverse of the index card. This goes to the store with me, and the meals are crossed off when eaten. - PAMELA AT CLOCKWORKCROW
  10. Check what's on sale.
    Some folks really like to organize their meals around sales. Is organic chicken a dollar off this week? Or canned chickpeas? Check out your grocery store circular and adjust your meal plan or shopping list a bit.
    I look online at grocery circulars to see what's on sale for the week and plan meals around that so I can save a little money. Then I go to that grocery store on Sunday to get non perishables and any veg or fruit I'll use within a few days. - Kristen44
  11. Plan for leftovers.
    Most of us have at least some tolerance for leftovers. I regularly cook one or two big healthy casseroles at the beginning of the week and eat off them all week long for lunch. Some people can only eat leftovers for a single night. Either way, try to make your cooking always do double duty. Make a little extra of everything, and if you don't want it right away, freeze it.
    A big time saver for me (since I live alone) is that I usually make more than one serving for dinner so I have leftovers for lunch the next day (or multiple days). - Peachy44
  12. Getting It Done
  13. Prep food as soon as you get back from the store.
    Wash and dry lettuce. Chop onions. Roast vegetables. Brown sausage for pizza. Shred zucchini for quick stir-fries. Stack up glass containers of prepped ingredients in the refrigerator and bask in your own awesome preparedness.
    I'm trying to get more in the habit of prepping all of the food as soon as we're back from the grocery store (i.e. shredding blocks of cheese if I know we're making tacos, slicing veggies and bagging them, etc), which makes cooking the night of a lot quicker. - Knitasha
  14. Cook components of your meals.
    Going beyond prep, cook components of the meals. For instance, start a batch of tomato sauce while you wash greens and prep squash. The sauce can go on pizza one night, and in lasagna the next. Or roast a chicken right then that you can eat that night and use for sandwiches and pasta the rest of the week.
    I cook large batches of components on the weekend, then mix-and-match them according to what I'm craving during the week. Grilled chicken thighs, browned ground beef, and blanched veggies like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower get turned into Italian Saute, Thai curries, stir-fries, and more with the addition of spices and sauces. We call them "Hot Plates." - MELICIOUS11
  15. Be strategic about freezing.
    The freezer is your friend. Actually, it's the friend of future you. Make a double batch of that sauce mentioned above and freeze half for later. Make a double batch of soup, stew, chicken cacciatore, cooked beans — throw it in the freezer. Let a month go by, and those leftovers will look fresh and tasty!
    Be strategic about freezing dishes and components of dishes. It's surprising how many things can be frozen with good results. (Shredded cheese, citrus zest, peeled ginger, breadcrumbs, cooked beans, etc...) - - APK_101
  16. Don't overstuff the refrigerator.
    It's easy to get overwhelmed when your fridge is over-full. Also, things get hidden in the back, lost behind the mustard. Don't let things go bad. Keep your fridge airy and light, with a sensible, realistic amount of food in it. Keep a list nearby of everything in the fridge, especially leftovers, as a visual reminder of what remains to be eaten.
    Don't stuff the fridge to the point that you can't see what's in it. I can see how this point wouldn't work for someone who lives a long way from the grocery store, but for many people it is pretty easy to stop at the store on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. Bonus: You'll have fresher ingredients! - APK_101

  17. Keep a well-stocked pantry.
    Meals are easier and quicker to prepare if you keep your pantry well-stocked. Don't run out of olive oil at inconvenient moments. Have spices ready to dress up chicken and beans quickly. Keep a lemon and a sheaf of fresh herbs in the fridge at all times.
    It helps to have a well-stocked pantry. - JANET @ THE TASTE SP
    Full article here 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sample 1500 calorie diet

1500 calorie diet plan overview
This plan calls for three meals and two snacks each day. Here is the basic breakdown for the 1500 calorie diet plan:

Breakfast: 1 Protein + 1 Fruit (+ vegetables if desired)

Lunch: 1 Protein + 1 Vegetable + Leafy Greens + 1 Starch + 1 Taste Enhancer + 1 Fruit

Snack: 1 Protein Snack + 1 Vegetable

Dinner: 2 Protein + 1 Starch/Grain + 2 Vegetable + Leafy Greens + 1 Taste Enhancer

Snack: 1 Fruit

Daily Totals: 4 Protein, 3 Fruit, 4-5 Vegetable, 2 Starch/Grain, 1 Protein Snack, Leafy Greens – no limit, 2 Taste Enhancer


1 cup (250g) nonfat cottage cheese
1 cup (80g) strawberries
Sprinkled with cinnamon

Large salad made with:

Leafy greens (lettuce, spinach) – any amount
1 cup (80g) chopped mixed vegetables (carrots, peppers, tomato)
3 ounces (85g) grilled chicken breast
½ cup (150g) cooked white beans
2 tablespoons (30g) reduced-calorie salad dressing
1 tangerine

1 ounce (30g) soy nuts
Carrot and celery sticks

8 ounces (200g) grilled salmon with lemon
2 cups (160g) steamed green beans with garlic
½ cup (150g) cooked brown rice
Mixed leafy greens salad – any amount
2 Tablespoons (30g) reduced calorie salad dressing

1 orange

1 whole egg + 4 egg whites scrambled in nonstick pan with pan spray
Topped with tomato salsa
1 cup (80g) cut melon

Veggie stir-fry. Saute together tofu and veggies:

5 ounces (125g) firm tofu, cut into cubes
1 cup (80g) broccoli florets
Large bunch fresh spinach leaves
2 tsp. (10 ml) oil to stir-fry
Season with soy sauce, garlic, pepper and ginger
½ cup (150g) steamed brown rice
½ medium mango

4 Tablespoons (60g) prepared hummus
1 cup (80g) baby carrots

Grain salad with protein. Toss together:

8 ounces (200g) grilled shrimp
½ cup (150g) cooked quinoa
2 cups (160g) chopped mixed vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cucumber, onion)
2 Tablespoons (30g) reduced calorie vinaigrette dressing
Place on a bed of leafy greens

1 fresh orange

1 cup (250g) plain nonfat yogurt
1 banana, sliced
Sprinkle with nutmeg

4 ounces (100g) grilled halibut
1 cup (80g) steamed asparagus with lemon
½ cup (150g) whole grain pasta
Mixed leafy greens salad – any amount
2 Tablespoons (30g) reduced calorie salad dressing
1 cup (80g) berries

½ cup (125g) nonfat cottage cheese
1 cup (80g) chopped mixed raw vegetables (carrot, red pepper and broccoli florets are a nice combination)
season with salt, pepper, dried dill or chives

6 ounces (170g) grilled lean steak
2 cups (160g) roasted Brussels sprouts (halve, toss with olive oil, roast at 400 F / 205 C for 20 minutes)
2 tsp. (10 ml) olive oil (for Brussels sprouts)
Steamed kale, spinach or Swiss chard with vinegar
½ small sweet potato sprinkled with ginger

1 cup (80g) diced fresh pineapple

Diet plan source

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Sample 1350 diet

2 strips of turkey bacon (70)
2 scrambled eggs (140)
1 piece of wheat / wholemeal toast (100)
1 tea or coffee (0)
1 glass of water (0)

3 ounces of turkey (90)
Sliced lettuce and tomato (5)
2 teaspoons of mayonnaise (45)
1 whole wheat bread wrap (130)
1 apple (70)
12 ounces of diet soft drink (0)

1 cup of sliced carrots (50)

1 cup mixed vegetables (108)
1 small tossed salad (with 2 tbsps of lite dressing) (83)
½ cup brown rice (108)
6 ounces cooked white fish (162)
12 ounces of water (0)

1 cup of lite yogurt (135)
4 teaspoons granola/muesli (70)

Total = exactly 1366 calories instead of 1350

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cannot outrun a bad diet

It is time to bust the myth of physical inactivity and obesity: you cannot outrun a bad diet
A Malhotra1, T Noakes2, S Phinney3

A recent report from the UK's Academy of Medical Royal Colleges described ‘the miracle cure’ of performing 30 min of moderate exercise, five times a week, as more powerful than many drugs administered for chronic disease prevention and management.1 Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers by at least 30%. However, physical activity does not promote weight loss.

In the past 30 years, as obesity has rocketed, there has been little change in physical activity levels in the Western population.2 This places the blame for our expanding waist lines directly on the type and amount of calories consumed. However, the obesity epidemic represents only the tip of a much larger iceberg of the adverse health consequences of poor diet. According to The Lancet global burden of disease reports, poor diet now generates more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking combined. Up to 40% of those with a normal body mass index will harbour metabolic abnormalities typically associated with obesity, which include hypertension, dyslipidaemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease.3 However, this is little appreciated by scientists, doctors, media writers and policymakers, despite the extensive scientific literature on the vulnerability of all ages and all sizes to lifestyle-related diseases.

Instead, members of the public are drowned by an unhelpful message about maintaining a ‘healthy weight’ through calorie counting, and many still wrongly believe that obesity is entirely due to lack of exercise. This false perception is rooted in the Food Industry's Public Relations machinery, which uses tactics chillingly similar to those of big tobacco. The tobacco industry successfully stalled government intervention for 50 years starting from when the first links between smoking and lung cancer were published. This sabotage was achieved using a ‘corporate playbook’ of denial, doubt and confusing the public.4

Coca Cola, who spent $3.3 billion on advertising in 2013, pushes a message that ‘all calories count’; they associate their products with sport, suggesting it is ok to consume their drinks as long as you exercise. However science tells us this is misleading and wrong. It is where the calories come from that is crucial. Sugar calories promote fat storage and hunger. Fat calories induce fullness or ‘satiation’.

A large econometric analysis of worldwide sugar availability, revealed that for every excess 150 calories of sugar, there was an 11-fold increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, in comparison to an identical 150 calories obtained from fat or protein. And this was independent of the person's weight and physical activity level; this study fulfils the Bradford Hill Criteria for causation.5 A recently published critical review in nutrition concluded that dietary carbohydrate restriction is the single most effective intervention for reducing all the features of the metabolic syndrome and should be the first approach in diabetes management, with benefits occurring even without weight loss.

Full journal article here